07 May 2012

Spring Date Night: Night HIke and Swim

Best Friends...Our dog Booger (the little
guy) and the Wilkey's dog Blizzard...
Spring Date Night:  Night Hike and Swim
Cost: Free
Perks:  Swim under the moon and stars, enjoy the fresh air and pretty sights, and get your heart rate up!

Before choosing your night hike, find an easier hike so you don't stumble all over the place in the dark.  If you're lucky you can find some hot springs in your area.  Make sure to pack well by bringing water, snacks, towels, water friendly shoes, dry underthings, and head lamps if needed!   
If you live in Utah a great hike is up Diamond Fork Trailhead in Spanish Fork.  The hike is fairly easy and enjoyable.  The hike totals 3 hours if walking at a leisurely pace.  At this time of the year the green leaves, plants, and wildflowers are so bright and gorgeous. 

Along the side of the trail you are constantly amazed at the beautiful stream that you can see, feel, and hear rushing by. There are mini waterfalls, huge rocks and limbs placed just perfectly in the water.  At certain spots you are walking along side the spring and at others you are overlooking it from the top.  Seriously, so gorgeous!!!  I had to share a few pictures of our hike with you so you could see it for yourself! 
Right past this waterfall are the hot springs.  It was getting too dark for my camera to catch a clear picture of anything beyond this point.  I had some sweet shots of
all the pools!!! I guess you're just going to have to discover them for yourself!
If you go on the weekend be prepared to be swimming with tons of other people.  This is a hot spot for all sorts.  Meeting the people at the springs is kind of an adventure within itself!  There are several pools to choose from all ranging in temperature.  Some are extremely hot and others are very comfortable.  Strip off your clothes and risk skinny dipping or wear your suit. 

If you have any spring date ideas please share them.  Spring is the time to fall in love all over again and again! We love all the creative ideas we can get!!!

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